B-cyclepedia Allison Hayes


 Our Featured B-movie Artist this week is none other than Allison Hayes. Hayes who worked with Maymie van Doren who was featured on a previous episode of B-cyclepedia, Hayes was an Actress and model who almost had a big break in playing in the movie epic "Ten Commandments". She did not get that role of Sephora in Ten Commandments because she had a contract with Universal that year. She would make movies that Universal was known for and several of her movies were featured on Mystery Science theater 3000.   Hayes injured her arm while Filming the Gunslinger with Roger Coreman and was known as the zipper clad Medieval Witch in the Psychological Horror film Undead by Coreman. The Svengoolie crowd would remember her more as the 50 foot Giant woman.
  Hayes shapely body stood out from other females in most films but she took on more pro feminist philosophy type roles. She was never seen as a victim and was good friends with Raymond Burr which led her to roles in television on Perry Mason and The Untouchables. Her last Movie Role was with Elvis Presley in "Tickle Me" in 1965.  Later Allison's Health would decline and she would be Known for the tragic story which led to stronger restrictions on Natural Supplements by the FDA. She is Buried in Culver city, California. I cannot think of Mystery Science Theater 3000 without her You can watch these experiments which feature her

The Crawling Hand

The Unearthly


The Undead

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