
Showing posts from August 8, 2021

Hatsune Miku Enjoying fun In The Sun! Part 1

 Hatsune Miku takes a Break at the pool. Cool Off with The Cute Vocoloid Diva! Buy my product

Long Forgotten Olympic Sports

  In a recent article from Stuff . Stuff mentions the Long Forgotten Sports of the Olympic. They mention everything from Deer Running to Tug of War. I wonder while watching Skateboarding in the Olympics to even curling and the Upcoming Break Dancing event which one of those will even last.

B-cyclepedia Star Of The Week Reb Brown

  Reb Brown is our star of the week for our B-cyclepedia series. Reb who was guest on many television shows in the late seventies as I remembered him during the Jigglefest era. He was also one of the first comic superheroes to be on television  as Captain America in a package deal in the seventies along side The Incredible Hulk. The Captain America Movies boosted Reb's Career to make the move to movies. Reb's Movies Mostly would be made overseas most notably "Yor Hunter From The Future" which was filmed in Italy and Space Mutiny which was filmed in South Africa.   I knew of Reb Brown long before MST3k got a hold of Space Mutiny and tore it apart Riff Wise. I most notably knew him in The Captain America Television Movies. I thought the Captain America Movies  were great when I was a Kid and of course would love the marvel beloved superhero character because of Reb's portrayal of Cap in those cult Movies. I however was not and never been a fan of the comic book po...


Ebay Has Cosplays