How I would of ended Star Wars and Why I lost interest in Star Wars.
I admit one of the greatest moments in my life was when my dad took me to see the movie Return of the Jedi. I have fond memories receiving my Nien Nunb Action figure in the Mail from collecting Saved Proof of Purchases from the back of previously owned Star Wars Action Figures. I remember the drive after church to see The Return of the Jedi. I was bombarded by the cuteness of the Ewoks and laughed at the Endor scenes with Han Solo. Every scene from the movie looked fun to a kid of ten years of age to enjoy. I never thought I would come to an age where I just do not care about anything new coming from the Franchise that is called the Star Wars Saga. Yes I am A self proclaimed Movie critic and yes I enjoy cinema and being a cinema critic has become a big part of my life. You can check out my recent videos on my YouTube channel if you want to know more about that. I am going to talk now about How I Would Change Star Wars
I know the twelve year old me would of kept Star Wars going on forever. The Adult me now understands why George Lucas wanted to stop making Star Wars films when he did after The Return Of Jedi. George Lucas was going through a Divorce and with The Success of Star Wars. He was now Financially Independent to Raise his children and most divorced men do not get that wonderful gift. We are seeing a growing trend of Directors and Actors stepping away from the camera to be with their family. I know what it is like to have a job where it takes you away from someone you love. I know now after The Return of the Jedi that George had the financial ability to raise his family and I think he did.
I know that after that Sap I just wrote I am now getting into the Meat of this section of the blog where I state How the adult me Would Have Ended the Star Wars saga. I would have ended The Star Wars saga at Jedi. The twelve year old me loved the Return Of Jedi Films but the adult me finds episode six if you will let me elaborate silly and childish. I think having the Death Star back up and running is dumb now and belittles what the rebels had done in Star Wars. I loved how The Empire Strikes back had ended and that it ended with a cliffhanger to keep you anticipating for the next one. I would have added something else to the cliffhanger. I would have added a plot in which the Rebels would be looking to seek help for the Rebel cause. I am not talking about Ewok's here as the help for the Rebels I am talking about an addition to the story of the Star Wars Saga that had been established that the Imperial Senate had been disbanded and that limited powers were given to the governors. I would have our heroes try to seek help from one of those local governors. You still could have Ewoks and have the Personal struggle with Darth Vader and Luke but just not on a Death Star. You See Fear is what was supposed to keep the regional Governors in the hands of the Empire. The Fear of the empire was enforced with the Death Star and local Governors were scared of the Death Star. The Death Star was now destroyed so some of the Governors would now not be scared of the Empire and the Rebels needed to seek help from Those Governors and those regions to battle the Empire. The Hoth battle was a terrible loss to the Rebels and the Empire could use that as a fear to control the Governors. If we had established in Empire Strikes Back that a race had been started from both sides of campaigning for their cause this Storyline that I am about to sell as a storyline for The Return Of The Jedi (The Coconut Daddy version) would all make more sense. The Campaign would be like the way Kennedy and Khrushchev raced to seek support for their cause during the Cold war. I would have Empire Strikes Back end the same way it ended but also include Han and Leia running from The Empire to seek sanctuary from Lando. They would seek help from the Governor from Lando's Planet of Bespin for the Rebels cause . The Empire beats them to the Planet and Of Course Lando still betrays Han. Many People would find it hard to believe that Lando would become a Governor in such a short time but his Cloud City would be the perfect place for the Rebels to hideout before they would meet Lando's Governor of the planet. I Only establish this plot so that it is important to the Return of The Jedi plot that I will talk about that Later. After the ending of Empire Strikes Back of Course Han Solo is taken away to Jabba's Casino Palace I am joking of course unless Disney wants to pay me for the Idea of the Jabba Casino Palace I will give you my Pay Pal Information if need be.
The next Movie episode six if I should be bold in calling the film that would go something like this. The Rebels save Han Solo but gets word from Spies that they know about Endor wanting to break from the Empire. In an effort to try to get the Rebels Help. The Governor of Endor through the spies messaging the rebels and in the secret coded message would let the Rebels know about a secret base of the empire on Endor and that the Governor of Endor would agree to help their cause if they could destroy the base. The Rebel Team would go to destroy the base and eventually would land on the Endor Moon. Luke realizes he is jeopardizing the mission and turn himself in and the personal struggle battle between Palpatine, Vader and Luke begins. At the beginning of the film we will have Vader meet Palpatine at a base or special ship that Palpaltine would reside on or in. This place would be where we would have the final stand off between Luke and Vader. In Fact we could make the Palpatine Fortress located on Endor. The Climatic scene would have Rebels rain down on the Palaptine Fortress with the citizens of Endor and Bespin Guards attacking them and Luke gets out in time with the dead Corpse of Vader cue Credits Now!
The Star Wars franchise can continue through sales. You can continue it the way it continued originally through Games and books heck I rather watch a film of The Shadows of Empire than the new movies . I mean do I really need a scene where Leia flies through Space. I can't even begin to talk about the atrocity that is The Last Jedi . I see toys still can reside in my Star Wars universe. I think the franchise got smarter than the big screen but instead of us getting films based on the books and Ideas that were commissioned by Lucas we got this crap were not so love of the Star Wars Saga writers got involved wrote this terrible idea called the new Star Wars and forgot about the true fans.
I can say the Star Wars in the past gave me joy but I have the seen them thru the eyes of say like the British fans having a strong hatred of the Inconsistencies shown through the new Star Wars have opened my eyes to flaws of The New Star Wars . You do not mess with the Stories over there in Great Britain here in United states it is not a big deal but I have seen the point of the British fans it is like taking Lord of The Rings to them and rewriting it. You just do not mess with a classic. It is like taking a 57 Chevy and giving it a Ferrari look and saying here you go here is your car, drive it now! If the new Star Wars gives you joy good for you but let me have my opinion. I wrote this blog in the name of fun. I mean no disrespect in the hard work of creators, writers and editors of the New Star Wars just do that hard work with a new creation and your own work because you are hurting others' ideas as well.
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Lucas Enjoys a Kiss |
When I was I child I liked Star Wars and Now that I am a Man I...Yada Yada Yada Do I Really Need to go on? When Return of Jedi ended I admit there was talk among my family about how the future movies would be and where they might be heading. I thought that in three years that there was going to be an Episode one. I was told that through family and some time's friends that the droids were going to be in all of them. The time passed I was on the brink of being a teen ager then when the time came, I felt the need to sell my Star Wars collection and move on with my life. Music and religion became more of an aspect of my life and I was becoming more interested in the opposite sex. I did odd jobs so I could buy blank tapes to record music and help support the family. My Discussions with family and friends went from Star Wars to the new discussions in my life like who was the best guitarist? to finally why is there not a size of milk between a Half Gallon Size and Gallon Size? You know for single people. When the Phantom Menace came out and yes it was a menace, I had already started living on my own. I remember answering a co-worker about the "Phantom Menace" and I gave him an answer that was indifferent about the "Phantom Menace". The Co-worker knew I was not happy about the "Phantom Menace" but I was for some reason excited about the second one. I remember talking to my Brother on how the second one was going to be great. I watched it and I rented it and for some strange reason did not care even to see the final one. I think it would be years later before I saw Episode Three. I knew what was going to happen I mean we all knew that the little brat was going to grow up and be Darth Vader.
When you get down to it. Star Wars never was an original Idea. It borrowed it's Ideas from Tolkien novels and other fantasy genre stories and threw in the Space element. The problem now is Star Wars writers have to try to please the fans and some of the problem comes from the Theory that we do not know as fans what were George Lucas' Ideas for the original Star Wars. If the final cut of Star Wars is a cornerstone of the Structure of The Star Wars Universe then Future Films Helped in the tearing down of that Structure that is Star Wars. I will give you an example. The Death Star for instance how many times are we going to blow that sucker up? We blow it up once and then the Dark Side builds it again and then finally we build one that will blow up Galaxies. What is next a Death Star that will blow up a Cinematic Universe? If we are going to blow up a Cinematic Universe I would start with the Twilight Cinematic Universe. The New Films had to have the Empire wanna bee's back again and could not stray away from episode Four also known as Star Wars. Oh my gosh how and why did this happen was Princess Leia such a Terrible leader she could not restore balance to the Universe after defeating the Empire once? There are so many questions to why in the world you would do more but I do not have time to go into it but one question to the idea of keeping this franchise going will be answered in next topic.
You know one of my favorite shirts I wore when I was a kid was my tan Return of the Jedi T-shirt. I used to wear it under another shirt and play like I was Indiana Jones. I think when you get older it hurts to find out that these movies were made to keep a toy line going. You know how much can I the Movie Maker squeeze out of a consumer? I the toymaker can make another big toy line that kids scream for. I do remember my Dad spending a Christmas eve shopping for that certain toy made of plastic at the time that were made in a free Hong Kong which was a British Crown Colony. Those toys would eventually give me pleasure for many years. You now become angry as an adult however thanks to Star Wars that now I have to buy a piece of plastic now mass produced in a Communist run China to keep that child of mine happy. When Movies are made for toys see Batman and Robin instead of toys made for the Movies the movies usually are Crap. When the toys are made first and you realize that the character that was made for the film was a bad idea. It is hard to get a bad character removed from a film. Especially after the toy manufacture made an action figure for that bad character ready to be sold to the masses, The Toy manufacturer will not be very happy. You lose control of your movie when the toys are made first for the movie. You are working for the toy company now not for the fans.
I know there is more than just the Midi-chlorians thing that bothers me I watched a guy on YouTube the other day say that just because they are mentioned in a book about star Wars that whole idea of Midi-chlorians is what George intended to do in the first place. We can go on on how easy Boba Fett was easy to kill and the Mandalorian are now unstoppable or whether or not Han Shot First or not. I have theories on why the inconsistencies are the way they are. One theory of mine is that I believe that George Lucas is a real nerd. I believe that George Lucas is the Bill Gates type. I believe he is good at crunching numbers, you know money numbers I believe he is a Real Estate Genius. I believe he is real nerd not a poser not those geeks who worship comic books and Movies who are not as Intelligent as they seem. I know I just insulted myself with that comment but the truth hurts and like GI Joe said "knowing is half the battle". I have a Theory that the Special Edition resulted because the deal he made with his ex-wife. It is a theory not a fact folks we have no Idea what was agreed per contract with his former editor slash ex-Wife. All I know the changes of Character trait changes with Han, Yoda and Skywalker are up to debate. I can say in real life people do change. If that is what George is going for then good for him but again the latter movies were not probably his idea. The Problem with Star Wars it has become limited in thinking and I think they waited too late to explore the other ideas that you could go with the Star Wars Saga. I mean if Jedi Knights are Knights in Space and Han Solo Is A cowboy in space. There could also be Spies in Space, Scientist In Space, and even Garbage Men in space see the trash compactor scene for more details. I mean why not. I think Star Wars limited itself and the fans became close minded and now opening it up to new ideas is to little too late. Tv shows should of been an Idea from day one of the conception of Star Wars. I know probably they were not a thing because the result of television was the Star Wars Holiday Special. A good story needs a good beginning and an a good ending and the story of Star Wars was so good to fans that they refused to let it end. I have said all I wanted to say about this.
Peace guys I am out of here..
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