**Debate Drama: Trump Campaign Goes for the Trilogy 🎬πŸ’₯**

In the red corner, we have the Trump campaign offering not just one, not two, but *three debates*! 🍿🎀 That's right, folks. It’s like the campaign is setting up a trilogy that would make *The Godfather* jealous. According to *Fox News* contributor Katie Pavlich, the offer of three debates is “out of respect for the American people and the voters.” Gotta love the old “we’re doing this for *you*” approach, am I right? 🧐🀷‍♀️ #ForThePeople #DebateNightThriller #ElectionSaga

Now, we've seen this movie before. You know the deal—*three* debates. One's the classic format we're getting on Tuesday, another's a town hall (*cue awkward audience questions* 😬), and the last one is the “foreign policy smackdown,” where both sides get to flex their knowledge on things most of us still Google after hearing them. πŸŒπŸ’Ό #ForeignPolicyFisticuffs #TownHallTerrors #DebateClassic #PassThePopcorn

**The Plot Twist? Harris Says “Nah” to Fox News Debate 🚫🦊**

Enter Joe Concha, *Fox News* contributor, and master of the obvious. He dropped the bombshell that Harris turned down a *Fox News* debate. You can practically hear the *dun-dun-DUNNN* in the background. She’s dodging Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum’s “germane, relevant, tough questions.” You know, the type of questions that make you sweat under those stage lights. πŸ’‘πŸ˜… #DebateDodger #HarrisEscapePlan #NoFoxNoFun


Let’s be honest, Harris probably saw what happens in *Fox News* debates and said, “Nah, I’m good.” Can you blame her? Facing off with Bret and Martha is like signing up for a boxing match but forgetting to wear gloves. πŸ₯ŠπŸ’₯ Some might call it strategy, others might call it *dodging*. Either way, it’s a bold move to turn down the prime-time spotlight. πŸŽ₯πŸ‘€ #StrategyOrShyness #DodgingOrDucking #FoxNewsFrenzy

**What to Expect? Drama, Drama, Drama 🎭**

What will happen in these debates? Will we get a thrilling showdown or will it be a snooze-fest? One thing’s for sure: Twitter is going to be *lit* πŸ”₯ as the commentary rolls in, and the memes practically write themselves. Harris dodging Fox is like avoiding the haunted house on Halloween. It’s all fun until the skeletons come out. πŸŽƒπŸ‘»

Grab your popcorn, folks—this debate season is shaping up to be one for the history books. Or at least for the *meme* archives. πŸ˜‚πŸΏ

**#DebateDrama #ElectionSeasonSaga #FoxNewsFeud #HarrisDodges #TrumpCampaignShowdown #PoliticalPopcorn #GermaneQuestions #MemeWorthyMoments #Election2024Extravaganza #FaceOffFrenzy**




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